Introducing...The Level 5 Mastermind Program

The Fastest & Most Powerful Shortcut to Grow Your Insurance Agency, Gain Complete Control Over Your Business and Free Up Massive Amounts of Time

"We were a 6 million-dollar agency back then...

Today, we're pushing 100 million dollars in premium.

You can't argue with that kind of success and I credit most of it to Michael Jans."

Mike Mathisen, President, Colorado Insurance, 7901 Southpark Plaza #110, Littleton,

CO 80120 - and Member, Michael Jans' Level 5 Mastermind Group

Are you looking to grow your insurance agency - quickly and easily? Would you like a reliable Path & Plan to massive organic growth in the "modern age of insurance?"

If the answer is "yes," I have the solution you’re looking for. With the longest-running mastermind program in the insurance industry. And, the step-by-step method that other agents are using to grow between 25 and 40%. Year after year.

If massive (and EASY) growth gets your juices flowing, this is what you’ll learn in this message:

  • What other agents have done to add millions to their bottom line (while working less, not more!)

  • How The Level 5 Mastermind Program Delivers Super-Fast and mind-boggling results for its members.

  • What makes Level 5 different than any program in the insurance industry (which explains why agents come back- year after year after year)

  • How agents are solving their problems (and bursting with confidence), whether their problems are in marketing, sales, carrier, technology or staffing issues

“Come and join the elite group of entrepreneurial insurance agents who have taken my system and changed their lives."

Just Who Is Michael Jans (and Why Is The Industry Calling Him ‘Our Top Marketing Guru’?!)

Hi. My name is Michael Jans. I’m not really here to talk about myself. I’m here to talk about how I can help you. Help you grow. Help you get control of your agency. Help you take more time off.

But, if you’re serious about growth, I should tell you a few things about myself. Because I do host what has been called the “most esteemed and respected mastermind group the insurance industry has ever seen.”

First of all, I’ve been delivering organic growth strategies to insurance agency principals for more than 25 years. Here are a few highlights:

  • I’m the co-founder and former CEO of Agency Revolution - the largest marketing automation platform for insurance agents. I sold that to private equity in 2017. (Yes, my in-depth experience in the tech and insurtech world is a powerful benefit for my clients and members.)

  • My work has appeared in every major trade magazine, including Rough Notes, PC360, The National Underwriter, Canadian Underwriter, Independent Agent, Professional Agent and more.

  • I’m the founder of The Quantum Club Coaching Program for Insurance Agents. It was the largest marketing advisory in the history of P&CI

  • I host the most popular podcast serving the agent community, with over 250,000 downloads. (My guests include the most famous and respected names in insurance. This is one reason people have called me “the most connected person in the industry.”


I’ve published over 50 books, courses, and programs on insurance marketing, organic growth, and agency success. (My work has been downloaded over 350,000 times.)

My point is not to brag. It’s simply to make this point: that I’ve devoted over 25 years of my career to the creation and delivery of tools, techniques, and tips for warp-speed agency growth.

And, that the industry has recognized that my methods work.

Of course, it’s nice when well-respected industry organizations say things like this about me:

Independent Agent Magazine - the arm of the “Big “’ - called me “the insurance marketing maven.”

Professional Agent Magazine - the arm of the National PIA - called me “the insurance marketing guru.”

The CEO of The Insurance Agent Summit, Brian Appleton, called me “the godfather of insurance marketing."

I’ve been called on to address the National Boards of the PIA and the “Big I” on the confluence of marketing, consumer behavior, and technology

The user groups of Vertafore, Applied and Hawksoft have called upon me to deliver my “State of the Industry” address.

I’ve consulted, trained or advised insurance carriers coast-to-coast, including SAFECO, Westfield, Travelers, AVIVA and more.

I am the co-author of the international industry best-seller, The Insurtech Book, published by Wiley International.

Still not sure? Let me tell you why The Level 5 Mastermind Program might be just what you’re looking for…

These are some of the problems we’ve solved for clients. See which ones resonate with you:

  • How to generate a steady stream of high quality leads who insist on doing business with YOUR agency. (NO “free quotes”…NO “practice quoting” for your staff…NO more wasting time on bad prospects…and definitely NO buying lousy internet leads!)

  • The proven Path & Plan to get your agency to the NEXT LEVEL. (No more chasing every shiny new thing…no more wasting time on trial & error…no more confusion!)

  • A reliable method for the “holy grail” of insurance marketing: Maximum Customer LIfetime Value. (Better retention, more policies-per-customer, more revenue-per-customer. In other words, clients are so loyal that they stay for life and get ALL the protection they need and deserve!)

  • Total NICHE domination! My method for “niches to riches” market domination routinely nets my customers 30% annual growth (so buckle up for a fast ride!)

  • How to command your market with integrity, respect and authority. No tricks! Market with total integrity. You feel great about your business and your market will recognize you as THE authority, THE expert and THE obvious choice!

  • Eliminate burnout, working too hard and working too many hours! My system is built on the Principle of Leverage - where you get MORE but do LESS.

  • Discover how agents are building a completely ALIGNED and INSPIRED team, committed to being winners and building a world class agency!

  • Never, ever, ever sell on price again. (I’ll share a simple but powerful model with you that creates so much value at the agency level that clients never leave and prospects want inside your door!)

  • How to keep the “personal touch” and earn the love and loyalty of your clients, even while your book of business keeps getting bigger and bigger.

  • The BREAKTHROUGH to the Next Level - so you’re not stuck, you’re not confused, you’re not spinning your wheels. (My 5 Levels map will show you precisely what to do next based on the position of your agency right now.)

  • Eliminate the confusion and bewilderment of this fast-paced Modern Age of Insurance. Yes, technology is rolling down the hill like an avalanche…yes, consumer behavior is changing faster than day becomes night. (My ten years as a tech CEO and my intimate knowledge of the insurtech landscape is your key to complete tech confidence!)

  • If you have a marketer (or are thinking of hiring one), how to get double and triple the results you get from that position. (I’ve trained more marketers than anyone in the insurance industry. My guidebook, The 4 Stages of the Marketer in the Modern Insurance Agency has become the “bible” for marketers' success for agents coast-to-coast!)

  • Finding TALENT! Even in this pandemic-related age of the “Great Resignation,” great talent is out there looking for a great place to make a difference. I’ll share with you what my clients are doing to make talent flee their agency or workplace and come to work for them! (Great producers, great CSRs, great staff…someday soon, working for you!)

  • Eliminate any shred of uncertainty, doubt or hesitation about digital marketing! Even if it “scares” you, worry no more. There is a TON of business waiting for you in the digital world. I’ll help you get it - and you’ll be amazed at how easy it is!

If something on that list gets your “grow glands” flowing, Level 5 may be just what you’re looking for.

Check out this next section - and see if that helps you decide if this is right for you…

“Come and join the elite group of entrepreneurial insurance agents who have taken my system and changed their lives."

What Makes the Level 5 Mastermind Program Different from Anything Else in the Industry?

Let’s be perfectly clear about a few key things:

  • This is NOT another producer training program. (There are some good ones. I’m friends with everyone who runs the best ones. If that’s what you’re looking for, email me, and I’ll send you to the right person.) No, this program is custom-designed for the AGENCY PRINCIPAL who wants to LEAD their business to the Next Level. (By the way, if you DO have producers and want them to double their book, I’ll show you how adding ONE marketing element can flood their calendar with inbound requests for appointments. You should NOT let them get appointments the “old school” way. It’s too slow, too expensive and you’ll get left behind by savvy competitors.)

  • I bring almost 30 years of insurance marketing experience to you. Again, I’m not here to brag. It’s just that - in the history of the industry - NOBODY has worked with as many agencies as I have on organic growth and NOBODY has the case studies and testimonials I have to prove that “this stuff works!”

  • You’ll benefit from EXTREME NETWORKING with the best agents in the industry. Every single agent in this group is committed to YOUR success. (That is what we agree to, and we don’t hold back!) That’s why so many members double and triple their growth rate in their very first year.

  • ADVANCED TRAINING. I host marketing training, webinars, workshops for all kinds of agents. Live. Online. However I can. BUT - and be very clear about this - I reserve my most advanced training for this group and this group only. I will teach you, show you and guide you to secrets that you will not learn anywhere else.

  • I’m committed to my members personally. So, yes, you’ll get the BREAKTHROUGH you’re looking for. And, it will come from a combination of training, new insights, networking, accountability and focused attention from me and the other members of the group.

  • You will leave EVERY meeting with an Action Plan. Yes, theory is nice. It’s important to understand the principles behind ‘what’s working now.’ But, this is NOT some B-School business class. This is real world, street smart and get-results marketing. By the end of every meeting, you will leave with your own customized Action Plan to boost your business between now and when we meet again.


But, You May Ask, ‘Does It Really Work?’ (and Will It Work for You?!)

Michael Jans' Growth

Hall of Fame Inductee #2: 

Rex Lesueur

Rex’s agency couldn’t be much different than Mike’s. It’s a rural agency in sleepy LaPine, Oregon, surrounded by National Forest. Rex has a mixed book of business with personal lines and several commercial niches.

He sold last year to his daughter, Cheri, who continues her membership in the Mastermind and continues to grow the agency. Here’s what Rex said:

"Our agency has grown 500% since the day I met Michael. Without his help, that would have never happened."

Michael Jans' Growth

Hall of Fame Inductee #3: 

Marc Peterson

Marc operates a small town agency with a mixed book. Since he became a member, his agency has spread its footprint to 43 states. This is what Marc had to say about his membership:

"Michael's marketing systems and ideas have transformed our family-own business! Our niche market has exploded! And truly the best part is our pipeline is full of qualified prospects that reach out to us! Goodbye cold calling! I attended one of his workshops. We did what he said, and our niche has grown more than 30% per year for four years in a row."

If YOU Want to Be Saying Things Like Those Agents in a Few Short Months, Here Are the Details You Should Know… 

  1. We meet six times a year. Three LIVE and in-person. In the Phoenix metro area. Meetings last from 8:30 AM on Thursday to noon on Friday. Most members are home for dinner on Friday.
  2. We met three times online with Zoom. These sessions are jammed with updates, accountability, answers to your questions and new training.
  3. Part of the meeting is WORKSHOP style with advanced training from me.
  4. Another part is structured NETWORKING. Two things happen here. One, you’ll hear success stories, strategies and tactics from other members on what’s working. You’ll also have an opportunity to share challenges and problems that YOU are having. The group will help you solve them.
  5. you will leave with an Action Plan for your success. Customized for you and your agency.

“Come and join the elite group of entrepreneurial insurance agents who have taken my system and changed their lives."

Is There a Better Time to Grow Your Agency than NOW? If You Want a Reliable Path & Plan that Is Proven to Double & Triple Growth Rates, Free Up Your Time, Obliterate Stress, Doubt & Confusion - and Align Your Team as a Championship Team of Winners, Do This ONE Thing…

If your “inner entrepreneur” is waving its hand and saying “YES, I want growth,” then it's possible that the Level 5 Mastermind Program is right for you.

There is only ONE way to join. Talk to me. Ask me any questions you have. Let’s see if this is the right fit for you.

For serious insura-preneurs, here is your first Action Plan:

  1. If you’ve read this far, I assume you know what’s important. That this is a small cadre of “insura-preneurs” who are serious about growth and serious about supporting each other’s success.

  1. Membership is open to principals of insurance agencies. (The industry IS changing rapidly. I have members who don’t look like the insurance agency of 1995! That’s okay.)

  1. Click the RED button below that says Let Me Speak with Michael. (I’m not looking for tire-kickers, lookie-lou’s or time-wasters. I do NOT delegate my membership selection because I take my personal relationship with each member seriously. It’s going to me, live, sitting in my Casita, on a Zoom call with you. Please, come prepared to talk about your personal commitment to growth - and come with an open mind, so we can both discover if Level 5 is right for you.)

  1. Sweet and valuable BONUS! I admire people who know what they want and take decisive action. Should you choose to join when you call me, I’ll give you a bonus that just might trigger: a personalized, private and confidential consultation with me. I charge $970 an hour for private consulting. When you say “YES” on our call, we’ll get this scheduled on the calendar immediately. This way, you can get going on your new path to the Next Level immediately - without waiting for your first meeting. So, if you’re anxious to get started on your “new” agency, click the red button and schedule some time for us to talk!

But Wait...There's More!

I Have $12,988 of FREE Gifts & Bonuses I’m Going to GIVE You!

Why wait for your first meeting to start your growth trajectory?! I have 27 hours of no-holds-barred video training, downloadable tools, spreadsheets, checklists - all designed to grow your business faster in the Modern Age of Insurance!


Video, tools and checklists to load your marketing funnel with sizzling hot leads. Yes, inbound leads who do NOT call for a “free quote” but call because they want to do business with YOU and YOUR agency. A series of Master Class taught by me and my handpicked Guest Experts. Whether you want leads from social media, referrals, PPC or email marketing, the secrets of your next breakthrough are hidden inside this training series!

Value when sold separately: $1997 - but FREE for you when you join!


13 hours of Master Classes, again, taught by me and my hand-picked top-of-the-field Guest Experts. Everything you need to know about how other agents hit those remarkable 25-40% growth rates! This training answers what you need to know about PPC, SEO, website traffic, steps-to-scale, the psychology of the Modern Insurance Consumer, finding the “big money” hidden inside your agency, increasing agency VALUE and much, much more!

Value when sold separately: $4997 - but FREE for you when you join!


The most powerful niche marketing method in P&C. (This is the ADVANCED version of what I taught Marc Petersen of Wisconsin, who’s niche has grown more than 30% per year for four years!) Step-by-step, video training and tools to make your path to 30% easy, quick and fun!

Value when sold separately: $4997 - but FREE for you when you join!

FREE BONUS #4: THE PRODUCTIVITY INTENSIVE: Master Your TIME, Reach Your Goals Faster, Get More Done!

Serious entrepreneurs hunger for more production, faster achievement - and less stress along the way. I’ve packaged together my favorite set of shortcuts, tricks and serious time-mastery techniques for the ambitious insura-preneur. Video training with support tools.

Value when sold separately: $997 - but FREE for you when you join!


$12,988 of life-changing and business-transforming tools. FREE when you join.

And, guess what?! The value of these tools is MORE than the cost of your 5 Level Membership! So, indeed, you can spend almost 13K to get your hands on training that has transformed other agencies already.

OR, you can schedule an appointment to speak privately with me, get these for FREE - and join the most elite group of agents in the industry!

If you’re serious about growth, do you have a better option?

Click the red button below - and let’s see if The Level 5 Mastermind Program is the right fit for you and your agency!

“Come and join the elite group of entrepreneurial insurance agents who have taken my system and changed their lives."

© 2022 Michael Jans Advisory - All Rights Reserved

29834 N. Cave Creek Rd - Suite 118 -1010, Cave Creek, AZ 85331